ANCOR Ranked 15th in "Largest Direct Hire Firms in Europe" by SIA

On September 8, 2021, Staffing Industry Analysts published a rating of the largest recruiting agencies in Europe. The rating was compiled on the basis of revenue analysis from professional recruitment. ANCOR became the only Russian staffing firm included in the rating and took 15th place in it.
According to SIA, the volume of the European staffing market in the segment of direct hires amounted to 8.7 billion euros: about 6% of the entire European market for staffing services. The UK remains the largest market with annual sales of € 3.2 billion.
SIA is a reputable international agency that researches HR services market around the world. Founded in 1989, Staffing Industry Analysts provides data on HR service providers around the world.
“To be ranked 15th among the largest recruitment companies in Europe is an excellent result of our work and an important milestone in the history of ANCOR. We have once again secured our international status and place in the club of leaders of the staffing industry in Europe”, - Sergey Salikov, CEO of ANCOR.